Cranks & Coffee: The only thing the POS system doesn’t control is the light

In Copenhagen, you can find Cranks & Coffee, the store for bike enthusiasts. It combines a bike shop and a coffee shop, allowing you to get your bike fixed while enjoying a cup of coffee.

Simon, Emil, and Joakim are the owners of Cranks & Coffee, and what they all have in common is a passion for cycling.

In the beginning, the concept was for customers to enjoy a cup of coffee while their bike was being fixed. However, things have changed since then.

Today, Cranks & Coffee has transformed into a thriving community and fellowship for passionate bikers, brimming with captivating road stories and a profound love for bike culture.

"We're constantly buzzing with activity at the shop"


Since its inception in 2017, they haven’t encountered any setbacks. There is nothing that holds back the excitement and engagement for what the owners have created.


A POS system that helps manage everything in the bike shop

To efficiently handle their operations, they rely on Bikedesk, our robust POS system that streamlines numerous aspects of the bike shop. From inventory management to workshop tickets and customer service, Bikedesk handles it all.

"It helps us with almost everything"


With Bikedesk, Cranks & Coffee easily manages their stock valutation, accepting new goods, reordering, and maintaining inventory with a built-in inventory management feature.

And that’s just the beginning.

The inventory management feature provides the owners with a complete overview of their stock, ensuring that they always have have up-to-date stock numbers. 

This is made possible because the POS system is a true cloud system, meaning that all updates happens in real time.

By utilizing workshop tickets, Cranks & Coffee can effortlessly create tasks and include necessary customer information. 

It gives them the opportunity to delegate tasks to their coworkers, allowing them to maintain full control over task assignments.

Once the tasks are completed, the POS system automatically sends out a text message to the customer., When it‘s time for payment, employees cansimply locate the work ticket with-in the POS system through a quick search. After payment, the tasks are marked as finished.

"Bikedesk assists us with all the practical aspects of our work progress"


Integrations that simplify work life

Cranks & Coffee benefits from several integrations that simplify their work life.

For instance, their Shopify webshop is fully integrated with their POS system.

The integration saves the owners and their coworkers a significant amount of time and resources by automating many manual tasks that typically arise navigating between a physical shop and a webshop.
As a result, their product inventory remains synchronized across systems, ensuring an always up-to-date inventory and minimizing customer disappointment.
But that’s not all they’ve automated at Cranks & Coffee. They have also streamlined their financial accounting with Dinero, a Danish accounting system. 

This app integration seamlessly transfers all sales data directly to Dinero, ensuring accurate accounting.

According to Simon, a well-functioning POS system plays a central role in providing a well-balanced customer experience.

The POS system simply makes their everyday work life a lot easier.

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